
How to 12 Steps to a Successful Project, Company or Life

A checklist to ensure you begin in the correct place, examine the proper context and attitudes and make the proper decisions.

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DISCOVER. Discover who you really are and what you really, really want.

DREAMS. Dreams are a creative process to define your vision and mission.

DESIRE. Without the proper level of desire, you will lack the energy and motivation to succeed.

DECISION. You need to make a choice on which dream and desire to follow (now).

DESTINATION. You need to visualize your destination. Otherwise you will become lost.

DIRECTION. You need to choose a path to your destination. This will also keep you "on track" so you know if you are becoming lost.

DECLARATION. The world is made of up family, friends, peers and community. You must publicly declare your intentions so that you can get the help you deserve. You cannot do it alone.

DAILY ACTION. Practise your Craft. Every day you must take action ("do the right things" and "do things right") in order to create your success.

DISCIPLINE. Positive habits. Without discipline your actions, energy and investments are dispersed, diluted and lost.

DETERMINATION. An essential trait (attitude) of successful people. Without persistence and determination, the hundreds of things that get in your way to effectiveness and success will grind you down and sap your energy.

DELIGHT. When you get pleasure from what you do, your investment and creativity into your "delight" explodes. You are now happy.

DESTINY. You are now successful. Your identity and "brand" are now firmly linked to this successful endeavor. Success breeds success and people want to be like you.

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